Fictitious names, also known as DBAs (Doing
Business As), are valid for 5 years and expire on December 31st of the fifth
year. Make sure you do not forget to renew if yours is due this year.
Each Fictitious Name Registration must be
renewed between July 1 and December 31 of the expiration year to maintain
active status. The Division of Corporations will mail to the last reported
mailing address, at least 3 months prior to its expiration date, a statement of
renewal. This is one reason it is very important to keep your current address
on file with the Division of Corporations.
Remember that a DBA is owned by the
business entity not the individual, unless you are a sole proprietorship.
Operating as a sole proprietorship is typically not the best choice due to tax
issues, the fact that you cannot obtain worker’s compensation exemption, and
the lack of liability protection. Always consult an attorney or accountant when
making decisions like this about your business.
Let us know if you have any questions about
renewal. We are always here to help. Our team is your team.